Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I see it has been a month since our last update on our sweet MaKenna.  It's not because nothing new has happened it's really because there is so much change and new tricks that we we simply are enjoying it and neglecting to let you all know what's going on.  A couple weeks ago MaKenna had to go in for a few more shots and while we were waiting on the Dr. Michelle was playing with MaKenna.  Out of nowhere MaKenna lets out a tiny giggle.  Michelle didn't even notice until I told her that MaKenna just laughed.  Michelle looked at me like I was imagining things and started playing again.  This caused MaKenna to bust out a real good and loud laugh.  It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

MaKenna has also started to teach herself new tricks.  She is very good about entertaining herself and is really a very content and happy baby.  She puts herself to sleep, she soothes herself sucking her thumb (nose hook and all), and she plays in her crib until I get her in the morning.  I hear her nearly every morning about 7:15 laughing and squealing in her crib.  She is all smiles and joy in the morning.  She makes herself laugh by banging her feet down on the mattress which makes her mobile turn.  She thinks this is so funny and does it over and over with the same laughter each time.... it is too cute!

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