Monday, February 16, 2009

Two Shots and 1 Cry

It's hard to describe how a little girl can so easily get ahold of her daddy's heart.  Somehow they make us so sensitive and protective of them  that it changes us in indescribable ways.  I never want to see MaKenna hurt or be in danger, yet we live in such a dangerous and hurtful world.  I cannot pretend for a moment that I can spare her from any of life's griefs, yet I so badly want to.

Today MaKenna went for her first vaccinations.  Michelle and I consulted some close and knowledgeable (medical professionals) friends about vaccinations. We decided against a few unnecessary pokes and decided to take a conservative and spread out approach to vaccinations.  Now, you have to understand that I watched a surgery performed on my own arm with great curiosity and amazement.  From the incision, the removal of muscle and tissue, all the way to the final of 17 stitches I watched without a care in the world or even batting an eye.

Knowingly taking my little girl to get poked was impossibly hard and very sad.  It broke my heart to know that it would cause her pain and make her cry.  What parent ever wants their baby to feel anything like that (when their older and bratty it's probably a different story).  Well, when it was all said and done, it wasn't that bad, I think it hurt me worse than MaKenna.  She barely whimpered.  Not that I cried but I think I may have wanted to.... how sad are baby shots.

1 comment:

Amy Moody said...

I completely agree with you!!! I hated getting them their shots. I thought since Breukelen had to get shots I was to and I did, five to be exact, they were horrible and it breaks my heart to think they had to go through that and the look they give you just crushes your heart because they don't understand why you are letting it happen and why can't make it all go away.